From July 2015 to December 2016, B.O.A. Videofilmkunst’s rooms featured images and drawings by Max Mannheimer, a contemporary witness and Holocaust survivor who died in the fall of 2016.
We have also dealt with Max Mannheimer alias “ben jakov” on film a few times. The portrait from our series “kunstraum – forum der gegenwartskunst” does the artist the best justice.

The exhibition showed over 50 works by Max Mannheimer, who signed his paintings “ben jakov” in memory of his father, who was killed in a concentration camp. It included large-scale oil paintings, reverse glass paintings, as well as drawings and watercolors.
It was the last complete exhibition during his lifetime of the pictorial work of “ben jakov” – Max Mannheimer. A comprehensive illustrated book was published by Hirmer-Verlag to accompany the exhibition:
Max Mannheimer: The Marriage of Colours. Available in our store!
The exhibition was well received by the trade press. Here is an article by Gottfried Knapp in the weekend edition of the Süddeutsche Zeitung of August 30, 2015.